Infrared Conversions, IR Modifications & Photography Tutorials | Life Pixel IR
The world leader in infrared conversions, modifications & DIY IR conversion tutorials. Scratched sensor replacement, UV & Full spectrum conversions.
The world leader in infrared camera conversions
I’m Edward Kreis, aka dK.i Photography, I reside near the Chesapeake Bay, which gives me ample landscape opportunities. I work in the optical field as a laboratory manager, so you can say optics is in my blood. I got back into this hobby about 6 years ago, and enjoy being outside with a camera in hand. I can say that I am an avid landscape photographer, a serious amateur of sorts. I like to shoot at dawn, when the sky and light are at its best. Weather does not bother me. I have been out in sub-freezing temps more often than I can remember….Of course, warm weather is nice, since I can get into the water to get some different perspectives.
I have come to appreciate seeing with the eye of a photographer, where everything is translated into light and framing. This is a very welcome gift honed through practice. Though I gravitate towards landscapes and nature, I do enjoy shooting abstracts, candids, street and the occasional portrait work. I became attracted to IR work after seeing some great IR photographs. I was fascinated by its creativity and immediately started researching everything about it. I finally jumped into IR about 3 years ago, and have enjoyed it ever since. Now, when I travel, I take my arsenal of DSLRs, including the IR conversion everywhere I go. Woe to my back and shoulders…….
My work can be seen on social sites like Flickr | Facebook | Viewbug, as well as FAA and Getty Images.